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The day has come and gone! It went as fast as I had dredded it to happen.
We had a party for little Miss Chloe on Saturday and she made out like a bandit with all the gifts. We had a wonderful time celebrating our little baby turning 2 and took advantage of showing everyone our new home.
As the day approached, Mike and I had talked about trying again, for the second time, taking away her "nukers" as she calls it when she turned 2. As I was dredding putting her to bed, I am laying with her and as she whined only for a brief minute or two, telling me to find the lost Nukers, I look in her eyes and I find myself in complete disbelief that my little baby is 2 AND going to bed like a big girl. As I lay there, I start to cry as we are looking into each others eyes, I try hard to hide the (good) tears, she points to my eye and says " Mommy, more water". I was absolutely amazed and cried even harder.
How in the world is it possible to love such a little human being as much as Mike and I love Chloe? I never really understood the feeling until the day Chloe was born. It truly is something that you have to experience first hand to know the feeling of the meaning of 100% unconditional love.
Happy Birthday Chloe! I love you with all of my heart!
At last, it's been almost 3 weeks and we are finally all settled in. We have been unpacked for about 2 weeks, but with all the final touches, it feels like our home now. Chloe has been nothing but AMAZING with the move and I couldn't have asked for a smoother transition. The first couple of nights she asked if I would lay with her, and of course, she didn't have to twist my arm to have cuddle time with her. She loves her new room along with her big girl bed. She plays in her room all by herself, all the time. It makes me very happy, but it reminds me that as she is approaching 2, she is going to want to play by herself more and more. Soon, she will be shutting the door and begging for me to leave her alone. I just can't believe that in less then a week, my little girl is going to be 2 years old. In the 2 years ( yes, I am going to be a bragging mom) she has learned her ABC's ( skippin out on L,M,N,O,P and just saying "mmnmnmop"), she counts to 11, sings Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star, has a wonderful vocabulary and last but not least, she is mostly potty trained with accidents few and far between. I am so proud of her and am honored to call her my daughter. In the midst of the move, we went to a prenatal appointment and set up an ultrasound for August 31st to find out the sex of the baby. All bets are being placed as it being a boy which would be a wonderful thing. Ultimately, a happy and healthy baby is what matters the most. I will be sure to post what we are having when the time comes.Other then that, we are just adjusting to our new home and enjoying what comes along with it. The pregnancy is going perfectly.. I have only gained 6 pounds so far which is a lot better then the 70 that I gained with Chloe... The only bad thing with this pregnancy is that I am no longer able to sleep in our bed. For some reason, it's the most uncomfortable place to sleep these days. I have been sleeping on our couch and wake up every morning with a sore neck and back pain. The couch is the lesser of two evils so I am going to take what I can get at this point. At least I am sleeping.....